The Trap That Called: Success Story

Indra Zaka Permana
3 min readNov 12, 2023

We’re all born as warriors, unfolding the story into life, entering the dimension of being, into the space that is filled by functions and entanglement, until we find the barrier that is named the unknown, then we have to decide.

In every process, we will always step onto the point of: making a decision, whether the decision is like choosing the options, or having to make a wall with the previous step. Whatever it is, it’s a decision. We can regret it, or we can make every decision as pot to growing the seeds. The seeds that built channels and shaped our previous journey live as fertilization, or the seeds that life and maintain our conscience.

The seed is a representation of our consciousness who have the dancing partner. You can call the dancing partner as the intention. In my experiences of interacting with a group or community, intention to dance in the moment sometimes becomes the moment when we feel embodied, blend with the ecosystem. Sometimes, it feels like a time when the synchronization moment comes and we could feel the bonding, like the twigs and branch of a tree.

The Synchronization

Synchronization is also a moment of enrolling the work of channeling systems. Channeling our source of intention into the event that we made in recent times. The channeling system that goes through the spectrum of our subconscious into the upper level of consciousness.

In the moment of synchronization, we usually feel that we are at the end of our capability, or it comes when we have no choice to do collectively. We’re all on the edge of the channel, on the edges of the system that grows from the seed of our intentions . We can feel the systems if we grow the seed together, collectively.

I believe that synchronization is not an individual moment. It’s like the peak of the event of growing consciousness in collective matters.

What’s Next?

All processes will provide energy. And sometimes, when we’re entering the spectrum of unknown, we automatically set our source as limited sources, so we can feel the safe to control our area in quantitative ways. We set our ends, we set our target. I always said when the “target regime” comes into our unknown space, we have to be aware that we are not in our capacity to entangle with the future.

I remember the story of the Bajau Tribe who set themselves in phases on a sailing journey. They set themselves in several phases. Starting from 2–3 days of sailing in the sea to catch the fish, they into a week-and-week’s journey, and when they’re ready, they will take the longest journey, years of exploration at sea, with just the constellation of stars and the sea as its companion. The capability to dance in the unknown is logic in these terms. I found the unique fact that every cycle of a journey has a strong impact on healing self. It’s awesome. They also have a ritual when the Covid pandemic comes, to reconnect and clean themselves from any turbulence in their land and activities.

So, what is a success story when we are still aware of the unknown? Or if we see the unknown as a powerful canvas to create self, we can be conscious of self and can connect with the universe as fast as we are aware of our existence, in every context.

There’s one sentence from the Sunda tribe that reveals what success is. That’s when you become, “Saciduh metu saucap nyata”. When you’re a representation of the universe itself. Trapped in the universe is the most success story for freedom people.



Indra Zaka Permana

Architecture in the making, Journalism in the passion. I developed skills in Generative & Systems Scribing, Visual Profilling, and Data Analyst.