Parrot in The Cage, Forever
If i tell you what i know, that’s all what you know. If i tell you what i didn’t know, that’s all what you learn.
The parrot could fly as far as they intended, on their forest. The ability to fly as similar as owl, while at the same moment, they also maintain their territories. The knowledge of flying eventually parallel with the knowledge in learning about gesturing, connecting, and mirroring to strange source.
Equilibrium from the entity that made them shallowed in the cage is not about how flying free activity becoming abandoned. The center line were about how parrot could make its lord (intentionally) following their biological rythm and progression in learning of new things.
The Eyes of Observer
We are, as observer, always in position to benchmarking the quality of area for the parrot in the cage’s activities. Neverthless, there’re lot of variables that made the parrot as “the ruler”, or the parrot as center of interaction and interconnection. The parrot could become center of gravity. Gravity as string of dimension, stream of consciousness, and compatibility. The area of influence by the parrot in the cage could build space of moment.
In The Cage “Forever”
We are always in journey, journey that embodying as octopus tentacles, journey as light, or journey as flow of water. To set our path in journey is like to build a cage to our mind dimension. Hence, we don’t have to make an option or objective, that sometimes we will out of cage.
Life in the cage sometimes could become opportunities, although that was not a perfect choice. The parrot, could become example in how entities learn in limited and shaped space. How to made space as opportunities, and set the hierarchy of attention entangled to the parrot intention. On that stages, we are the parrot inside the cage (of gravity). We’re all attached in the residue of gravity, named it with times. So, if we want flying free, just de-attach the gravity, and time is not a matter.