Nano Ambition
Looking for the essence of understanding, i found profound story about how people can unfold and receive more in spectrum of enlightenment. The highest level of consciousness.
I start to share my story while having journey in bicycle, cycling to beach, 100 mile from my hometown. It’s well arranged. I made itinerary 7 days before the D-day. Maybe, that’s my 5th times in long-range touring. I can measure how much calories will burnt on the journey :D. But that’s not my objective. On this 6th journey, i just want to feel new route, a popular route, that passed one location that had the most ascent road, with my 27-speed bike. We called it Tanjakan Habibie, 20miles from Pelabuhanratu beach.
I join the group to simplify the preparation. The member is my colleague who join in my previous touring journey. They’ve prepared the logistic, especially rent car to carry back the bike from our destination to our start point. Yes this is one way touring. I think it’s more like a recreation with lot of adrenalin and serotonin, tho it’s not actually an extreme journey.
i know the groups capabilities in managing power while biking. Most of them are coffee lover. Sometimes they stopped in the middle of journey, while finding good view and spot, just for making coffee session, with full of apparel. So classy, :D.
So, sometimes, it’s not about how far we doing a journey. Sometimes, we’re just seeking moment, or spontaneously creating moment, with “stretching the dots”. Stretching our intention, from point A to B, and opening self, and let a bunch of knowledge burst in every pedals that we’re push, and enlightened it with engaging memorable moment, by creating coffee time moment, sometimes, in the middle of jungle.
In the moment of enlightenment, journey is not about how far and how many step we have to count. Journey is about willingness and submission to attach self in our SELF, which is the universe.