Dimension of Bless

Indra Zaka Permana
6 min readAug 11, 2022


Visual Scribing by Zaka (Instagram: @privatelaboratory)

I previously thought that we, as individuals, have no chance to deal with unconsciousness. That thought shifted when I started to learn about teaching and literacy.

Before I become involved in the “field of visual facilitators”, I’ve been through the journey in journalism, event organizer, design agency (, and architecture--to build a “friend’s called it-sanctuary” as a hobby ). I join in the journalism industry for 10 years, a design agency for 7 years, and as an event organizer for about five years.

It’s unpredictable actually. I previously have the intention to join an event organizer or creative industry like a production house since I was a college student, in the architecture department. In second grade, I decided that I will not join an Architectural firm or some kind like that, because I have more passion more in exploring data and shaping it into something that can entertain people. I prefer to choose “build” the mind than “build” the empty land into groups of brick, metal, and materials. It’s very subjective actually. But that I feel at the time.

Being slammed...

One book that shift me hard was “Stage Architecture by Mike Fisher Architect”. That book slams a new perspective into my head, that architecture is not always about building with brick. But it’s related to feels, ambient, and preferably also our “atmosphere”.

My carrier in the magazine industry started as an illustrator. I “luckily” read the biggest newspaper, Kompas, which opened a new division in an architecture magazine. I just feel it’s a calling. By choosing the path of journalism, I can still attach to architecture, and at the same time, I can build another skill in networking and the art of the media industry. So I send the job application. And the stakeholder has interested in my skill in design and writing. After passing three phases of selection, I finally got the contract.

I visualize the features article and consultation articles. Two kinds of articles have a lot of differentiation in technic, concept, and compose the visualizing the object. I learn a lot about managing the rhythm of publishing in the mainstream media industry and learn a lot about discipline in using path, outline, and the basic technic in shaping objects. Actually, I’m not really learning a lot in coloring technic at the time. I am still in the phase of believing, that the shape should be firmed before the coloring works came into the “battlefield”…

The Bridge…

That’s when I was at the design desk. Five years after I join in the media industry, my boss recommend I join the field team, the core team of media, as a journalist. She saw my blog, and she thought that I could produce and contribute articles for the magazine. Yes, it’s one of my best experiences.

Once you become a journalist, you will always become a journalist.

It’s all about the mental models. How to chase the news, attach with the (unknown but important) source in 7 seconds (that’s one of my training tasks as if we have situation meet the source in an elevator), and a lot of practices that related to building “the bridge”, between society and nations, between individual and social issues, and especially, between knowing and not knowing.

The determination, the mental to verify all issues, was built when I learn journalism. In the end, I finally jump into the major issue at the time: The issue of shifting media: The struggle of the mainstream media industry, the social media threat, and digitalization. I feel there’s a lot of change that will happen. The changes that maybe I cannot control. My mental model said that when we saw something, trained it as 4W (what, where, when, who) and 1H (how). Verify, verify, verify… is one of my adagios.

I choose to resign.

I resigned from the place where I had been told to my life partner a place to work until my pension. Yap, so rebel both idealist, indeed.

I choose to join as the visual facilitator. My intention the first time is to create an alternative field to explore the data from direct sources that have been conditioned in a workshop session.

And still, the mental model to verify is still dominating my way of thought, acting, and responding.

And It Changed….

Shaping or noticing, maintaining, managing, coloring, and all finishing phase are in one spot. The spot of existence. That spot relies upon consciousness and unconsciousness. There’s a rhythm that is always being played and running all the time. The dance floor is always ready to use. Our set of “seeing from the balcony” made all the dancers look like a variable to count. Sometimes it’s not about counting the player. It’s about counting the beat. And see the celebration. Feel the atmosphere.

It’s about adaptation. A process when consciousness and unconsciousness have to become the dancing partner. ‘

Actually, to realize that our consciousness and unconsciousness are dancing partners is a blessing for me. I found that reality while I’ve been through the session at the cafe clinic. The session used gesturing through sculpting with the learning partner and sharing all the journey in my life by answering the question from the facilitator. “Luckily”, my partner, was a professional psychologist who runs the Human Resource Department and Profiling agency, who I thought will strengthening the result of the session. She was also a participant in the session.

Before the session, I found myself as a “right brain” practitioner. Whatever that I do my work is preferably more like bubbles of imagination that are tied in a certain shape of task that creates messages to others. Some people called me a rebel. I really know how to test the patience of people, especially those who are not set the context equal. I was trained from an early age that we have to act and react equally. If there’s an inequality, it leads to what have we done in the previous time. Somebody call it karma. I prefer to call it a balancing moment. I usually made the situation tenser so the context of verifying, enlarging the space of connection of thought, and reckoning, will be revealed. This situation is not a loose situation.

And I’ve been trained for this. I’ve been through the session, the very hard part of life, so if I could see the sunrise, the new day, it means God still trusts me to live the day. Seize the day. God still gives me the task. And I feel blessed. And sadness is the only way to train the face muscles and synchronize the micromotors' response. I have trained to be persistent. Surrender is not the option.

The Gate to Balcony…

Anyway, the case clinic has changed me. Yes… it changed. The session slams me. I’ve got the second slam in my life, in my intellectuality. The first time is Mark Fisher’s Book. The second time is the case clinic session. I’ve just found that my journey that is represented on the table with the clay looks dispersed, it was actually like a star constellation that has a message on it. From the other side, the “table of the journey” is like a Roman chariot that throws a flame ball. The energy was so sharp. I’m so speechless at the time. I feel blessed.

I feel blessed because it is not about synchronicity. I feel blessed because it is not about luck. I feel blessed because it is not happening because of my skill of survival. I feel blessed because the tear that is ready to fall is not for regretting the fault, the missing lead, the unpredicted journey, the loss.

I feel blessed because the universe is within us. I just feel like entering the dimension where time is the watcher, in a space of interconnection. When the past, present, and future are in the same container, and the time is the constant, the gate to the balcony, not the dancer, nor all variables that made the dance floor could be seen. At the time, consciousness and unconsciousness is the tool, the matrix, to set all the ingredients to be cooked at the right moment. The dance of consciousness and unconsciousness is the dance of moment to be blessed.

Thank you for reading.



Indra Zaka Permana
Indra Zaka Permana

Written by Indra Zaka Permana

Architecture in the making, Journalism in the passion. I developed skills in Generative & Systems Scribing, Visual Profilling, and Data Analyst.

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