Dancing Within Dimensions
Who doesn’t love traveling? I bet it is an easy question to answer for those who’re now involved in “business as usual”, or now involved in activities that have patterns with a “geometrical shape” in our social tissue.
Business as usual is a magic word to avoid our subconscious whining when problems come. Sometimes we shift our mental model to see the problem as a “challenge”. It is natural in people who have an intention of shaping the future, or concern about the spectrum of feeling, rather than counting and measuring.
I have an intention of seeing the future as a constellation of stars rather than entering the multiverse like Marvel did in their movies. The constellation of the stars is guidance for people to set directions, or for fishermen to sail. Different constellations lead to different directions. But still start from the same “island of coherence”, for people who’re in the “same island”.
Sometimes they have to wait for the expected constellation, so they could start to prepare their journey. The process of seeing and waiting is sometimes related to the process of making the rhythm.
At an early phase, to set and wait needs our full scale of awareness, or sometimes we call it “we did it at the highest level of consciousness”. And through time, we start to “muscle” it, or our muscle memory takes control of the same process of setting up the dance floor, and waiting for the right moment, or constellation. It usually happens after cycles of the same activities.
In my art class, I used to train my students to repeat the process of drawing anatomy. I call it an embodiment phase. It’s like shaolin who train their legs to stand in position. More frequently, they start to “muscle it” and the activities become their “new organ of perspective”. It’s painful sometimes, but necessary. Pain is one of the variables in life. We should learn to acknowledge it. Better we learned in our “safe space”, our private laboratory, in our safe room to count and measure our journey, rather than reality.
I met my mentor in sufism couple month ago, He said,“You can avoid the systemic trauma when you have good awareness and faith. But on that spectrum, you will find the greatest enemy. That’s your deepest intention”.
Just like usual, I just try to remember the quotes, when my logic and awareness have still not yet landed, if I hear his words. And usually after that, the universe leads me to understand piece by piece what he’ve been saying.
And the moment came. After a couple of months, I started to land my understanding in the word “deepest intention”. Most of us call it evil. Most of us are scared of “him”. I started to believe that intention is a power to connect. Power is not always about energy, sometimes it is about synchronizing the direction of the constellation. Sometimes power is about the moment.
From my experiences through work as event organizer, learning architecture in colleges, and deepening into the journalism world, the moment is like a space with an act of enlarging and connecting that space into another space. A moment sometimes tied into the flow, and the rhythm. A moment is sometimes just like a dot. Or even like “Ma”. A space that bridges other spaces.
The power to interpret it is under our control. The deepest intention is the power to set ourselves into ourselves in a pattern of moment. And it needs a set of “muscles”, for arranging pain as a power to set shape, and fun as a power to set space, and silence as a power to connect.
Dancing through those muscles, is like dancing within the dimensions. Dancing through our “private laboratory” that enlarging into our future “safe space”.