Containing The “Power House”, The Future
To start everything, and make it accountable, we should “contain” that “everything” first. In other languages, we should know the pause when you push the play button. We should be part of the whole.
The future is not always settled in “The Unknown” territory. The future is also always revealed as “potential” when it’s first appearance. Furthermore, on the smallest scale of circumstances, some say in a quantum state, and some say in the alpha zone, the future does not become prior variables while it is revealed as variables. The way we gesture to respond to the past and “The Now” also become variables that we can explore and dispatch as a map of intentions.
The Now
There are a lot of variables that can shape and influence “The Now”. Now in this context are the area of appearance, the dance floor (the — social — field), and the balcony (the helicopter view side). So then, our movements also become definite in how we describe the gesture in a dynamic context, or spacious moment.
Space will always have something to be measured. Space will always be tangible. So intentions that, were captured in gestures are also variables that could create a moment. Of course, moments will always be rhythm by the sequence of quantified rhythm. Another approach is to have a constant, besides using “time”.
One of the most variables to mapping “The Know” and forecasting the future is the tangibility. The result of the act. Sometimes it has an impact, sometimes it looks like an artifact, objects that have a function in social constellations.
How can something have space to be measured and counted? Although the definition of space itself can not be countable yet. The tangible variables that can be counted. So, in that situation, the tangible variable for space is the container.
The Container
The container in its function is also called shaped of time. Time is built by our intention of shaping awareness. Interconnection within self and our circumstances. The spectrum of capital in our interdependency. In terms of creation of the moment, capital is a descendant of value exchange. In the same context, capital should be bond connections, and become the medium within the value exchange.
From a bigger perspective, a container is like the ocean that we believed is measurable, but our intention was to see how we shift our belief from achieving the destination, into being part of the whole, and always ready to have connections with the installation of the future. So, then the value will be revealed in every move we make. Just feel the container is the ocean on our beloved earth, and you are the sailor, who have strong connection to the star constellation. I think it will change our perspective a lot. At least, from my perspective.
I have been in the position while everything that I’m doing is not under my control, so drained, so tired, and it was a run maybe almost a year. And in the hardest time, in the night, I just feel, “Just let everything happen, feel all the consequences”. And the weird thing, I had one of the best sleep on that night. When I woke up in the morning, I just felt I had received a message from the universe who told me,”If you still have a moment to wake up. If you still have a moment to see the sunrise, then you still have a mission to accomplish. Go!”
The best container reveals while the content can shape the moment into value. While the diverse consciously came as union. Unity in a moment of igniting the power house. The future.