Breathing: Tangible-ing the Intangibles

Indra Zaka Permana
5 min readSep 7, 2024


There’s a question in every one of our single activities: did individuals need to recover their malfunctioning cells to be acknowledged in a single line of evolution? Or just let the universe convert it into another form?

We are the descendants of our ancestors that have been through the process of evolution. In every form of evolution from act to inaction, the shape of the bigger picture of our big form of interaction will be enlarging time by time.

The big picture is not always about how one could see more from the helicopter view. The big picture also could be the way to set the rhythm of the whole. The top of the big picture, if we refer to it as the iceberg that reveals on the sea, is always focused on the shape and the capabilities in responding to an incoming signal or capability to be seen.

Singularity on the bottom

More deeply, the iceberg will tell us about its habitual foundation, and at the bottom part, we will see about the intentions. Even just one intention. Even it shows us sometimes how big and complex things came from one unconscious will.

In the bottom of the iceberg, we will not see the pattern. We will not see the differences. It is not only about entities that can be counted and measured. It’s about eternity. Unstructural data point is revealed.

If the eternity has descendants, or differentiates, it will be about the foundation. The structure. The baseline has space that will be filled by the path. It could be measured and counted. The dot in “ba” if it refers to the analogy of logos in Islamic sufism.

The Bridge

All of certain structures in our constellation of unconsciousness into consciousness will have their end of shape, of interconnection. Sometimes it’s overlapped within others, or sometimes it has the bridge that also builds with a structure.

The structure of the bridge will be built through the activity of setting the moment as the moment of maximising the limit. The limit of physicality, the limit of consciousness, and/or the limit of connecting into the unknown. All of these activities will relate to the breath.

Yes. In the spectrum of bridging the structure of thought, the breath is a profound entity and/or activities that held all parameters into workable.

Should the intangibles become tangible?

Questioning the “nothing” is always intriguing. But if we want to create an environment of understanding, the activity of questioning is also part of creating the shape and path for the flow of thinking.

The intangible is sometimes related to something that we cannot measure and count yet. It’s always about something that we will have to figure out first before it’s happened. It’s always related to the activities of activating or enhancing the quality of consciousness.

Enhancing consciousness always needs a specific space to create a circle of awareness. The awareness will talk about knowing the know and setting ourselves in “areas of control.”.

So, is it important to make the intangible tangible? It depends on our intention. If it needs to be controlled, our capacity to create a space of control will be inevitable. So we need to make it tangible, even though it’s in variable.

In mapping the variable, we need rythm. And the natural rhythm could be created through breath.

The power of breathing

In the middle of a conversation in one of the cities that I visited last month, I “luckily” attached the opportunity to connect with the one of the breathing practitioners that have a deepening style of breathing in Javanese Silat. It’s not quite consistent methods from Javanese culture. But the application is widely used for healing and activating the power of vibration to help the eye disabilities expand their activities without a cane or stick.

He said, “Our breathing is really powerful. It’s not only about accessing the phase of ‘opening’ but also accessing another space; if we shaped it with deep consciousness, it’d become a new dimension to accept messages from other symptoms that wouldn’t be accessed by the ‘normal’ symptoms that we use daily,” he said.

“We always could activate that space if we conditioned it. The basic exercises that we could do are by creating 15–20 second pauses at the edge point of the breathing cycle. Hold your breath around 15–20 seconds when you’re doing a 20-second inhale, and do the same in the exhale. The 20 seconds after inhale, “the fulfilled space or dimension.” And the 20 seconds after exhale, you can call it “the empty space, or the empty dimension.”.

“Lot of input that you will get on that empty-fulfilled dimension. Now, breathing is not only about “the opening space,” but also absorping the deepening message from the body. It is like you’re accessing the deep web. Yes. It’s dangerous and addictive. So with that, you have to be careful with your intentions.“

Exercise is a sacred port.

Exercise is part of creating cycles. In other articles, I have told about the meaning of sacred. Sacred is not about accessing something that makes you goosebumps. Sacred is an activity that reveals from the cycle of activities that’ve been doing in full consciousness.

All activities that were done by creature could shape that creature characteristic. It’s includes breathing. Some people even could create a synchronisation with the cloud; I meet people like that in the indigenous field, just by doing some cycle of deep breathing.

The Objective

We can do a lot of things through breathing, and we could access a lot of “space” through breathing. But we have to set ourselves always connecting to the ground and the opportunities, the past and the future, the now, and the awareness of holding the moment.

It’s profound to realise because all kinds of knowledge ideally could shape our civilisation into a good path or destruction. If we want to avoid destruction, it is better to start to always build the muscle to create an impact on society in every moment that we’ll pass through. We have to be agents of the future.

We have to agency ourselves. We have to create the best breathing rhythm for ourselves and our environment.



Indra Zaka Permana
Indra Zaka Permana

Written by Indra Zaka Permana

Architecture in the making, Journalism in the passion. I developed skills in Generative & Systems Scribing, Visual Profilling, and Data Analyst.

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